الخميس، 15 أكتوبر 2009

لغة انجليزية للصف الاول الثانوى / اعداد ا/ السعيد عامر - مدرس اول اللغة الانجليزية

I never forget a face
1-What was strange about the writer's memory?
He never forgot faces but he forgot names.
2-Why did the writer's wife think he ought to be a reporter?
He could look for the faces of famous people who went to see films at first nights at cinema.
3-Why did the writer think that he couldn't do well as a reporter?
He would remember famous people's faces but he wouldn't remember their names.
4-How did the writer's trouble with names put him in difficulties from time to time?
He forgot people's names annoyed them and lost good business more than once.
5-How did the writer overcome his weak memory for names?
With a little skill and he connected a face with a place.
6-What were the two social activities did the writer mention that he could connect people's faces with?
A big dinner and a football match.
7-How did the writer use his memory for faces to help him in his business?
He approached people he had seen before and reminded them of the place where they met. Within five minutes, they were talking about business.
8-Why did the writer like Bardfield?
He lived there for a long time and there is a lot of country there. It was only forty miles form London.
9-Why did writer's wife complain?
She complained that he forgot the names of his neighbours.
10-How did the writer start the conversation with the stranger?
As if they were old friends. He asked him if he traveled down on that train.
11-How did some of the villagers feel towards the newcomers?
They were unfriendly towards them.
12-What did the writer say about the people of Bardfield?
He said they are unfriendly towards newcomers.
13-How long did it take to reach Bardfield from Ellingham?
It took ten minutes and a half to travel by train between Bardfield and Ellingham.
14-How did the writer treat the newcomers?
He was friendly with them because business might come from one of them.
15- How did the writer account for his lack of success in getting the stranger to talk?
He thought the stranger had been working too hard, and was tired.
16-What did the writer mean when he said "It's only human nature"?
He meant that it is human nature for people to talk about themselves given the opportunity.
17-Why did the writer boast about a business he had done?
He boasted about a business He had done to start the stranger talking.
18-Why did the writer suspect that the stranger did not own a car?
Because he thought he lived in one of the small houses by the bus stop.
19-What was the weather like when the writer left the station?
It was raining heavily, the wind was strong and it was bitterly cold.
20-How did the writer prove to be kind?
He awakened the stranger and offered him a lift.
21-Why did the writer offer to give the stranger a lift?
He offered the stranger a lift as the weather was so bad.
22-Why was the writer surprised when the stranger asked him to get him out of the car?
Because there wasn't a house within five hundred yards, and it was raining and blowing like the end of the world
23-What happened when the writer slowed down?
The stranger hit hard on the back of his head.
24-How was the stranger ungrateful?
He hit the writer , threw him in a ditch and stole his car and money although the writer offered to give him a lift
25-Where was the writer when he came to himself?
He was lying in a ditch.
26-What did the robber steal from the writer?
He stole his car, his umbrella, his gold watch and his money.
27-Why did the writer go to the police station?
To report the crime.
28-Where did the writer see the stranger's picture?
He saw it on the wall of the police station.
29-Why was the writer surprised when he reached the police station?
He remembered that had seen the picture of the man for a week.
30-What surprise did the writer find out when he went to the police station?
He found the stranger's picture on the wall of the police station.

هناك تعليقان (2):

ĐŘ.ħ∂CkξЯ يقول...

اولا تسلم ايديك يااستاذ سعيد علي التوبيك الجامد دا

علي فكرا انا في 3ث مش في 1

الي مش شايف ليه ولا كومنت الا واحد يلا مش مهم

المهم انه كومنت بجدجامد وانت بجد منور الدنيا كلهاومنور البلوجست دا كمان

وان شاء الله في تقدم مستمر

تحياتي ليك

غير معرف يقول...

ربنا يتمم على خير والف الف مليون مبروك يا أستاذ سعيد **********

مع تحيات الاستاذ/
عبد النيى السيد جعفر
معلم أول الكمبيوتر بمدرسة أبو مندور الثانوية