السبت، 24 أبريل 2010
الأحد، 18 أبريل 2010
اتحاد طلاب المدرسه
الأربعاء، 14 أبريل 2010
مراجعة لغة انجليزية الصف الاول - ترم ثاني - ا/ سعيد عامر
1 -Finish the dialogue between Adel and Ramy about wild animals:-
Adel : What is your favourite wild animal?
Ramy: ………………….. … (1) ………………….. .
Adel : ………………….. .. (2) ………………….. ?
Ramy: It lives on the ice around the North Pole.
Adel : How does it protect itself from the extreme cold?
Ramy: …………………....... (3) …………………. .
Adel : …………………….. (4) ………………….?
Ramy: It can run faster than 50 kilometers an hour.
What would you say in each of the following situations
1-Your friend wants to smoke in the metro.
2-You visit your friend in the hospital.
3-You suggest joining an English course.
4-Your cousin suggests having lunch outdoors.
5-your are introduced to tom who comes from England.
3- Choose the correct answer from a, b ,c or d:-
1- ………. animals don't live at homes, they live in forests and deserts.
a) Tame b) Pet c) Wild d) domestic
2- Desert animals are able to ……… to the conditions they live in .
a) adopt b) confirm c) adapt d) place
3- Unlike insects, most animals have …………………
a) eyes b) mouths c) feathers d) backbone
4- Fish are covered in ……………..
a) fur b) feathers c) scales d) sticks
5- The shark's tail and ………….. helps it to swim .
a) fine b) fin c) compass d) finger
6- Dogs , cats and rabbits are covered in ………….
a) fire b) feathers c) scales d) fur
7- Crocodiles are dangerous animals with………. teeth .
a) sharp b) blunt c) broken d) week
8- The North Pole has enormous ……… and freezing water .
a) galaxies b) glaciers c) forests d) galleries
9- Sand cats have …….. on their feet to protect them from heat .
a) thorns b) fur c) wax d) scales
10- Some wild animals hunt their ……… only at night .
a) prays b) brides c) preys d) buried
11- Polar ……… live on the ice around the North Pole .
a) beer b) pears c) pearls d) bears
12- Sand cats get all the …….. they need from their preys to adapt to the weather conditions.
a) dampness b) humidity c) vitamins d) moisture
13- Sharks have an incredible ……… of smell.
a) sneeze b) scene c) sense d) science
14- Polar bears can catch through ……… they make in the ice .
a) hell b) halls c) hills d) holes
15- Birds are covered in feathers to ………. their bodies from extreme cold.
a) protect b) predict c) shorten d) neglect
16- Sand cats have thick fur on their ……….. to protect them from hot sand .
a) fingers b) necks c) necks d) feet
17-The platypus builds a nest and ………………eggs like a bird.
a) lays b) lies c) lain d) makes
18-Desert animals get ………………….. from their food.
a) moisture b)ice c) sand d) dryness
19-Lions are very big animals that belong ………….. the cat family .
a) too b)toe c) to d) two
20- Orangutans feed ……… fruits and insects .
a) with b) of c) on d) by
21- The Egyptian desert is a home ……… some rare animals .
a) for b) of c) with d) to
4- Choose grammar
4 - Choose the correct answer from a, b ,c or d:-
1 – Do rabbits have fur ? No , ………. .
( it don’t – they don’t – it haven’t – they haven’t )
2 – Is he a clever boy ? No , he ………. .
( is not – isn’t – wasn’t – hasn’t )
3 – Have fishes got fins ? Yes , they ……… .
( have got – have – got – had )
4 – Has he got any sisters ? Yes , he ……….. one .
( has – has got – got – is )
5 – ……… you at Ali’s party yesterday ? Yes , I was .
( Are – Did – Were – Was )
6 – Did the cat climb the tree ? Yes , it ……… .
( didn’t – did not – did – does )
7 – Is Ali able to swim ? Yes , he ……… .
( does – has – is – do )
8 – Do elephants eat meat ?
( Yes , the do – No , they don’t – Yes , it does – No , it doesn’t )
9 – ………. you clever at English ? Yes , I am .
( Were – Are – Have – Do )
5- Rewrite
5-Rewrite these sentences using the words in brackets
1- The man was very happy. His son got the full mark. (whose )
2- We usually have a picnic here . ( where)
3-It’s necessary to revise your lessons regularly . (must)
4- You mustn’t make any noise in class. ( allowed )
5- She bought a dress made in Italy . ( which )
6- The man is my friend you met him yesterday. ( whom )
7- I'm sure he isn't Egyptian. (can't)
8-The farmers have picked cotton. (cotton)
9- Ali said, "Have you done your homework? (Ali asked if)
10-The teacher said to the pupils " Answer all the questions." ( told)
11- " I will buy a new computer next week ." Said Tamer ( Tamer said.. )
12-It is necessary for you to leave at once to catch the train. (must )
6- Correct the mistakes
6-Correct the underlined mistakes in the following paragraph
1- Yasser was getting ready to go to school when the telephone rang . He run into the living room , picked up the phone , and said, "Hello, this is Yasser ."" You will have to go to school without my this morning ," said his best friend Ali " What's a matter?" asked Yasser." I don't feeling well." Said Ali ," I think I have flu."
2- A man was dressed in black clothes and white black shoes. He were walking down in the middle of a street with no lights. A car with no light came around a corner and drove very fast towards he . The driver stopped the car just in time and the man in black was not hurted. Why didn't the driver hit a man ?
@1-Read the text below, then write the word which best fits each space
Many animals have adapted …..(1)…. life in extreme heat and cold. Think of the extremes in Egypt. There are burning deserts and there are the high …..(2)…. of Sinai, which are sometimes .…...(3)…..with snow. Now think of the North Pole with its enormous glaciers and …..(4)….water .Think of the rainforests of South America and Asia, with their heavy rain. Incredibly, these environments are …..(5)….to many…..(6)…. of wildlife.
@ 2-Read the text below, then write the word which best fits each space
One of the animals best adapted to heat is Egypt's ...(1)….cat. It is not much bigger than city cats, but it is designed for desert life, with thick ….(2)…on its feet to protect it ...(3)….the heat. Sand cats are not often seen because they sleep underground ...(4)….the day and only come out to hunt at night. Like many other desert animals, they do not have to find water, as they get all the ....(5)….they need from their…..(6)….which includes rats and mice.
8-Reading Student Book
1-A world of extremes
1-What is special about animals that live in extreme hot and cold ?
They have adapted to extreme environment.
2- How are the mountains in Sinai different from the Egyptian desert?
The mountains are sometimes covered with snow but the desert is very hot.
3- What are some of the places that have extreme conditions?
The burning desert, The North Pole and the rainforests.
4- How do you think some animals have adapted to their conditions?
Their bodies and lifestyles have developed to help with extreme conditions.
2- Sand cat
1- How does the sand cat differ from the city cat ?
It is designed for desert life, with thick fur on its feet to protect it from the heat.
2- Why do you think sand cats sleep underground during the day ?
To avoid the extreme heat and to go out to hunt during night.
3- Why don't sand cats need to find water ?
Because they get all the moisture from their prey.
4- What protects sand cats' feet from extreme heat ?
Their thick fur on their feet protects them.
3- Polar bear
1- Where do polar bears live ?
They live on the ice around the North Pole .
2-How do polar bears catch their preys ?
They live on fish which they catch through holes in the ice.
3-What is amazing about the polar bears' sense of smell ?
They can smell their prey as far as 16 K.M away .
4- What help polar bears keep warm ?
or: How have polar bears adapted to their conditions ?
Their white fur and thick skin protect them from extreme cold.
4- Orangutans
1- Why do Orangutans feed on ?
They feed on fruits and insects.
2- When and where do orangutan sleep ?
They sleep all night in nests which they make from branches .
3-Why do you think Orangutans spend most of their lives high up in trees ?
Because they live on fruits and insects on trees.
4-Why do you think Orangutans rest during the middle of the day ?
They live on coo trees to stay out of the heat.
5- How has orangutan adapted to its environment ?
@It lives in trees to stay out of heat and uses the branches to make nests .
6- Why do the orangutans sometimes hold leaves over their heads ?
To protect themselves from the rainwater . they use the leaves to keep dry .
7-How do you think the orangutan has adapted to its environment ?
It lives in the cool trees to stay out of the heat. It uses leaves to keep dry. It uses the
trees to make nests .
5- Camels
1-What protects the camel from the extreme weather conditions ?
Its thick fur protects it from the hot sun and the cold nights.
2- What made the camel the most suitable animal for traveling on through deserts ?
Their bodies can store food so they can go for a long time without eating.
9- Translation
Translate into Arabic :-
1-Many animals have adapted to life in extreme heat and cold .
2-One of the animals best adapted to heat is Egypt’s sand cat .
3-When he was shipwrecked , Crusoe saved tools , guns and other thins from
the ship before it sank .
4 -After his wife died , Crusoe sailed back to the island for the last time .
5-The flight attendant enjoys staying in hotels in other countries .
Translate into English:-
1 – لا يرى قط الصحراء دائما لأنه يعيش تحت الأرض .
2 – يعيش الدب القطبي على الأسماك التي يصطادها من خلال فتحات في الثلج .
3 – بشكل غريب لا يحب إنسان الغاب الماء .
4 – إذا سافرت إلى جزيرة ماذا تحب أن تأخد في رحلتك .
5 – إضطررنا أن نطبخ بأنفسنا عندما ذهبنا لمعسكر العام الماضي .
6 – شعر روبينسون بالوحدة على الجزيرة لأن أصدقاءه كانوا بعض القطط وطائر فقط .
1- One of the hot spots إحدى البقاع الساخنة
1-Why did the Plancius have to wait half a mile out of the harbour?
لم كان يجب على السفينة الانتظار عن بعد نصف ميل من الميناء
@ Because the water was too shallow.
2-What is well known about Semarang? ما هو الشيء المعروف عن سمر انج
@ It was the hottest town in the whole of the islands.
3-Why was Semarang very hot? لما كانت سمر انج شديدة الحرارة
@The mountain behind it kept the wind off.
4-How was the water round Semarang? Why ? كيف كان شكل المياه حول سمر انج ولماذا
@ It was solid, smooth and glassy because there was no wind.
5 - What was the writer’s opinion of Semarang? ما هو رأي الكاتب في سمر انج
@ It didn’t attract him because it lacked colour and gaiety.
1-“Do you think that he meant to drawn himself and then changed his mind when he got into water .”
1- Do you think he meant to drawn himself ? Why/why not ?
2-why didn’t the writer like Semarang
3-What made Semarang the hottest town in the hole ofJava islands ?
1 -Finish the dialogue between Adel and Ramy about wild animals:-
Adel : What is your favourite wild animal?
Ramy: ………………….. … (1) ………………….. .
Adel : ………………….. .. (2) ………………….. ?
Ramy: It lives on the ice around the North Pole.
Adel : How does it protect itself from the extreme cold?
Ramy: …………………....... (3) …………………. .
Adel : …………………….. (4) ………………….?
Ramy: It can run faster than 50 kilometers an hour.
What would you say in each of the following situations
1-Your friend wants to smoke in the metro.
2-You visit your friend in the hospital.
3-You suggest joining an English course.
4-Your cousin suggests having lunch outdoors.
5-your are introduced to tom who comes from England.
3- Choose the correct answer from a, b ,c or d:-
1- ………. animals don't live at homes, they live in forests and deserts.
a) Tame b) Pet c) Wild d) domestic
2- Desert animals are able to ……… to the conditions they live in .
a) adopt b) confirm c) adapt d) place
3- Unlike insects, most animals have …………………
a) eyes b) mouths c) feathers d) backbone
4- Fish are covered in ……………..
a) fur b) feathers c) scales d) sticks
5- The shark's tail and ………….. helps it to swim .
a) fine b) fin c) compass d) finger
6- Dogs , cats and rabbits are covered in ………….
a) fire b) feathers c) scales d) fur
7- Crocodiles are dangerous animals with………. teeth .
a) sharp b) blunt c) broken d) week
8- The North Pole has enormous ……… and freezing water .
a) galaxies b) glaciers c) forests d) galleries
9- Sand cats have …….. on their feet to protect them from heat .
a) thorns b) fur c) wax d) scales
10- Some wild animals hunt their ……… only at night .
a) prays b) brides c) preys d) buried
11- Polar ……… live on the ice around the North Pole .
a) beer b) pears c) pearls d) bears
12- Sand cats get all the …….. they need from their preys to adapt to the weather conditions.
a) dampness b) humidity c) vitamins d) moisture
13- Sharks have an incredible ……… of smell.
a) sneeze b) scene c) sense d) science
14- Polar bears can catch through ……… they make in the ice .
a) hell b) halls c) hills d) holes
15- Birds are covered in feathers to ………. their bodies from extreme cold.
a) protect b) predict c) shorten d) neglect
16- Sand cats have thick fur on their ……….. to protect them from hot sand .
a) fingers b) necks c) necks d) feet
17-The platypus builds a nest and ………………eggs like a bird.
a) lays b) lies c) lain d) makes
18-Desert animals get ………………….. from their food.
a) moisture b)ice c) sand d) dryness
19-Lions are very big animals that belong ………….. the cat family .
a) too b)toe c) to d) two
20- Orangutans feed ……… fruits and insects .
a) with b) of c) on d) by
21- The Egyptian desert is a home ……… some rare animals .
a) for b) of c) with d) to
4- Choose grammar
4 - Choose the correct answer from a, b ,c or d:-
1 – Do rabbits have fur ? No , ………. .
( it don’t – they don’t – it haven’t – they haven’t )
2 – Is he a clever boy ? No , he ………. .
( is not – isn’t – wasn’t – hasn’t )
3 – Have fishes got fins ? Yes , they ……… .
( have got – have – got – had )
4 – Has he got any sisters ? Yes , he ……….. one .
( has – has got – got – is )
5 – ……… you at Ali’s party yesterday ? Yes , I was .
( Are – Did – Were – Was )
6 – Did the cat climb the tree ? Yes , it ……… .
( didn’t – did not – did – does )
7 – Is Ali able to swim ? Yes , he ……… .
( does – has – is – do )
8 – Do elephants eat meat ?
( Yes , the do – No , they don’t – Yes , it does – No , it doesn’t )
9 – ………. you clever at English ? Yes , I am .
( Were – Are – Have – Do )
5- Rewrite
5-Rewrite these sentences using the words in brackets
1- The man was very happy. His son got the full mark. (whose )
2- We usually have a picnic here . ( where)
3-It’s necessary to revise your lessons regularly . (must)
4- You mustn’t make any noise in class. ( allowed )
5- She bought a dress made in Italy . ( which )
6- The man is my friend you met him yesterday. ( whom )
7- I'm sure he isn't Egyptian. (can't)
8-The farmers have picked cotton. (cotton)
9- Ali said, "Have you done your homework? (Ali asked if)
10-The teacher said to the pupils " Answer all the questions." ( told)
11- " I will buy a new computer next week ." Said Tamer ( Tamer said.. )
12-It is necessary for you to leave at once to catch the train. (must )
6- Correct the mistakes
6-Correct the underlined mistakes in the following paragraph
1- Yasser was getting ready to go to school when the telephone rang . He run into the living room , picked up the phone , and said, "Hello, this is Yasser ."" You will have to go to school without my this morning ," said his best friend Ali " What's a matter?" asked Yasser." I don't feeling well." Said Ali ," I think I have flu."
2- A man was dressed in black clothes and white black shoes. He were walking down in the middle of a street with no lights. A car with no light came around a corner and drove very fast towards he . The driver stopped the car just in time and the man in black was not hurted. Why didn't the driver hit a man ?
@1-Read the text below, then write the word which best fits each space
Many animals have adapted …..(1)…. life in extreme heat and cold. Think of the extremes in Egypt. There are burning deserts and there are the high …..(2)…. of Sinai, which are sometimes .…...(3)…..with snow. Now think of the North Pole with its enormous glaciers and …..(4)….water .Think of the rainforests of South America and Asia, with their heavy rain. Incredibly, these environments are …..(5)….to many…..(6)…. of wildlife.
@ 2-Read the text below, then write the word which best fits each space
One of the animals best adapted to heat is Egypt's ...(1)….cat. It is not much bigger than city cats, but it is designed for desert life, with thick ….(2)…on its feet to protect it ...(3)….the heat. Sand cats are not often seen because they sleep underground ...(4)….the day and only come out to hunt at night. Like many other desert animals, they do not have to find water, as they get all the ....(5)….they need from their…..(6)….which includes rats and mice.
8-Reading Student Book
1-A world of extremes
1-What is special about animals that live in extreme hot and cold ?
They have adapted to extreme environment.
2- How are the mountains in Sinai different from the Egyptian desert?
The mountains are sometimes covered with snow but the desert is very hot.
3- What are some of the places that have extreme conditions?
The burning desert, The North Pole and the rainforests.
4- How do you think some animals have adapted to their conditions?
Their bodies and lifestyles have developed to help with extreme conditions.
2- Sand cat
1- How does the sand cat differ from the city cat ?
It is designed for desert life, with thick fur on its feet to protect it from the heat.
2- Why do you think sand cats sleep underground during the day ?
To avoid the extreme heat and to go out to hunt during night.
3- Why don't sand cats need to find water ?
Because they get all the moisture from their prey.
4- What protects sand cats' feet from extreme heat ?
Their thick fur on their feet protects them.
3- Polar bear
1- Where do polar bears live ?
They live on the ice around the North Pole .
2-How do polar bears catch their preys ?
They live on fish which they catch through holes in the ice.
3-What is amazing about the polar bears' sense of smell ?
They can smell their prey as far as 16 K.M away .
4- What help polar bears keep warm ?
or: How have polar bears adapted to their conditions ?
Their white fur and thick skin protect them from extreme cold.
4- Orangutans
1- Why do Orangutans feed on ?
They feed on fruits and insects.
2- When and where do orangutan sleep ?
They sleep all night in nests which they make from branches .
3-Why do you think Orangutans spend most of their lives high up in trees ?
Because they live on fruits and insects on trees.
4-Why do you think Orangutans rest during the middle of the day ?
They live on coo trees to stay out of the heat.
5- How has orangutan adapted to its environment ?
@It lives in trees to stay out of heat and uses the branches to make nests .
6- Why do the orangutans sometimes hold leaves over their heads ?
To protect themselves from the rainwater . they use the leaves to keep dry .
7-How do you think the orangutan has adapted to its environment ?
It lives in the cool trees to stay out of the heat. It uses leaves to keep dry. It uses the
trees to make nests .
5- Camels
1-What protects the camel from the extreme weather conditions ?
Its thick fur protects it from the hot sun and the cold nights.
2- What made the camel the most suitable animal for traveling on through deserts ?
Their bodies can store food so they can go for a long time without eating.
9- Translation
Translate into Arabic :-
1-Many animals have adapted to life in extreme heat and cold .
2-One of the animals best adapted to heat is Egypt’s sand cat .
3-When he was shipwrecked , Crusoe saved tools , guns and other thins from
the ship before it sank .
4 -After his wife died , Crusoe sailed back to the island for the last time .
5-The flight attendant enjoys staying in hotels in other countries .
Translate into English:-
1 – لا يرى قط الصحراء دائما لأنه يعيش تحت الأرض .
2 – يعيش الدب القطبي على الأسماك التي يصطادها من خلال فتحات في الثلج .
3 – بشكل غريب لا يحب إنسان الغاب الماء .
4 – إذا سافرت إلى جزيرة ماذا تحب أن تأخد في رحلتك .
5 – إضطررنا أن نطبخ بأنفسنا عندما ذهبنا لمعسكر العام الماضي .
6 – شعر روبينسون بالوحدة على الجزيرة لأن أصدقاءه كانوا بعض القطط وطائر فقط .
1- One of the hot spots إحدى البقاع الساخنة
1-Why did the Plancius have to wait half a mile out of the harbour?
لم كان يجب على السفينة الانتظار عن بعد نصف ميل من الميناء
@ Because the water was too shallow.
2-What is well known about Semarang? ما هو الشيء المعروف عن سمر انج
@ It was the hottest town in the whole of the islands.
3-Why was Semarang very hot? لما كانت سمر انج شديدة الحرارة
@The mountain behind it kept the wind off.
4-How was the water round Semarang? Why ? كيف كان شكل المياه حول سمر انج ولماذا
@ It was solid, smooth and glassy because there was no wind.
5 - What was the writer’s opinion of Semarang? ما هو رأي الكاتب في سمر انج
@ It didn’t attract him because it lacked colour and gaiety.
1-“Do you think that he meant to drawn himself and then changed his mind when he got into water .”
1- Do you think he meant to drawn himself ? Why/why not ?
2-why didn’t the writer like Semarang
3-What made Semarang the hottest town in the hole ofJava islands ?
الأربعاء، 7 أبريل 2010
Read only if you have time for God
Read only if you have time for GOD
إقرأه فقط إن كنت تمتلك وقتا لـ الله
Let me tell you, make sure you read all the way to the bottom. I almost deleted this email but I was blessed when I got to the end
دعني أخبرك، تأكد انك ستقراه الى النهاية لقد كدت احذفه ولكني بوركت عندما انهيته
God, when I received this e-mail, I thought... الله'وهو عنوان الرساله' عندما وصلتني هذه الرساله, فكرت....I don't have time for this... And, this is really
inappropriate during work
ليس لدي وقت لقراءة تلك الأشياء كما أنني بوقت غير مناسب للقراءة ..فأنا في العمل
Then, I realized that this kind of thinking is... Exactly, what has caused lot of the problems in our world today..
وبعدها لاحظت بأن هذا النوع من التفكير هو تماما السبب الذي يجعل عالمنا مليئ بالمشاكل في الوقت الحالي
We try to keep GOD on one place ...
نحن نحاول أن نجعل الله في مكان واحد فقط Maybe, after work ...
وربما بعد العمل
We do like to have Him around during sickness...
نحن نحب ان نذكره ايام المرض
And, of course, at funerals
.وطبعا الجنائز
However, we don't have time, or room, for Him during work or play...
لكن ليس لدينا الوقت ولا المساحة لأن نذكره خلال العمل او اللعب
Because.. That's the part of our lives we think... We can, and should, handle on our own.
لأن هذا هو الوقت الذي نعتقد فيه بأننا قادرين على أن نعتمد على أنفسنا فيه
May GOD forgive me for ever thinking...
ياالله سامحني على هذا النوع من التفكير
That... there is a time or place where..
H E is not to be FIRST in my life.
التفكير الذي يقول أن هناك وقت او مكان لا يكون 'الله' الأول والأهم في حياتي
We should always have time to remember all HE has done for us.
يجب أن يكون لدينا الوقت دائماً لنتذكر كل ما عمله الله من اجلنا
Pass this on ONLY IF YOU MEAN IT!!
أنشرها فقط إن كنت مقتنع بها وتعنيها
Yes, I do Love.GOD.
نعم، انا أحب الله HE is my source of existence and Savior.
هو مصدر وجودي ومخلّصي
He keeps me functioning each and every day. Without Him, I will be nothing.
وهو الذي يبقينا أحياء كل يوم ومن دونه سنصبح لا شيءThis is the simplest test.
هذا أسهل اختبار ممكن If You Love GOD... And, are not ashamed of all the marvelous things HE has done for you...
اذا كنت تحب الله ولا تخجل من جميع الأشياء الرائعة التي قام بها من أجلك
Send it on...
أنشرهاNow do you have the time to pass it on?
والآن هل لديك الوقت لتبعث هذه الرسالة لآخرين ..؟؟
Make sure that you scroll through to the end.
تأكد إنك ستصل لنهاية الرسالة
Easy vs. Hard
السهــــل ×الصعـــــــــب
Why is it so hard to tell the truth but Yet so easy to tell a lie?
لماذا يكون من الصعب جدا أن تقول الحقيقه ومع ذلك من السهل جدا ان تكذب
Why are we so sleepy when we pray but Right when we are finished we suddenly wake up?
لماذا نشعر بالنعاس وقت الصلاة وبمجرد أن تنتهي الصلاة نصحو فجأة
Why is it so easy to delete a HOLY e-mail, but yet we forward all of the nasty ones?
لماذا يكون من السهل جدا أن نحذف ايميل ديني ومع ذلك ننشر كل ما هو سيّء
Of all the free gifts we may receive, Prayer is the very best one....
من ضمن كل الهدايا المجانيه التي نحصل عليها .. الصلاة هي أفضلهم There are no costs, but wonderful rewards...
ليس هناك اي تكاليف بل مكافأة رائعة
Notes: Isn't it funny how simple it is for people to NOT BELIEVE IN GOD and then wonder why the world's going to hell.
ملحوظة: أليس من المضحك ان الناس بكل سهولة لا يؤمنون بالله ويستغربون لماذا العالم ماضٍ الى الجحيم
دلالة على فساد العالم
Isn't it funny how someone can say 'I believe in GOD ' but still follow Satan (who, by the way, also 'believes' in GOD ).
أليس من المضحك أن يأتي شخص ويدعي بأنه مؤمن بالله ولكنه لم يزل يتبع أبليس 'وبالمناسبة فان ابليس ايضا يؤمن بالله '
Isn't it funny how you can send a thousand jokes through e-mail and they spread like wildfire, but when you start sending messages regarding GOD , people think twice about sharing?
شيء مضحك أنه من الممكن أن ترسل الآلاف من النكت عن طريق الإيميل وتنتشر مثل النار في الهشيم واذا ارسلت ايميل لذكر "الله" فالناس يفكرون مرتين قبل أن يعيدوا نشرها
Isn't it funny how when you go to forward this message, you will not send it to many on your address list because you're not sure what they believe, or what they will think of you for sending it to them.
كما أنه من المضحك أنه عندما تقوم بنشر هذا الإيميل لن تقوم بإرساله إلى كل من عندك لإنك غير متأكد بماذا يؤمنون وكيف يفكرون بك اذا ارسلتها لهم
Isn't it funny how I can be more worried about what other people think of me than what GOD thinks of me.
من المضحك أن نخاف من رأي الناس فينا اكثر من رأي الله فينا !!
إقرأه فقط إن كنت تمتلك وقتا لـ الله
Let me tell you, make sure you read all the way to the bottom. I almost deleted this email but I was blessed when I got to the end
دعني أخبرك، تأكد انك ستقراه الى النهاية لقد كدت احذفه ولكني بوركت عندما انهيته
God, when I received this e-mail, I thought... الله'وهو عنوان الرساله' عندما وصلتني هذه الرساله, فكرت....I don't have time for this... And, this is really
inappropriate during work
ليس لدي وقت لقراءة تلك الأشياء كما أنني بوقت غير مناسب للقراءة ..فأنا في العمل
Then, I realized that this kind of thinking is... Exactly, what has caused lot of the problems in our world today..
وبعدها لاحظت بأن هذا النوع من التفكير هو تماما السبب الذي يجعل عالمنا مليئ بالمشاكل في الوقت الحالي
We try to keep GOD on one place ...
نحن نحاول أن نجعل الله في مكان واحد فقط Maybe, after work ...
وربما بعد العمل
We do like to have Him around during sickness...
نحن نحب ان نذكره ايام المرض
And, of course, at funerals
.وطبعا الجنائز
However, we don't have time, or room, for Him during work or play...
لكن ليس لدينا الوقت ولا المساحة لأن نذكره خلال العمل او اللعب
Because.. That's the part of our lives we think... We can, and should, handle on our own.
لأن هذا هو الوقت الذي نعتقد فيه بأننا قادرين على أن نعتمد على أنفسنا فيه
May GOD forgive me for ever thinking...
ياالله سامحني على هذا النوع من التفكير
That... there is a time or place where..
H E is not to be FIRST in my life.
التفكير الذي يقول أن هناك وقت او مكان لا يكون 'الله' الأول والأهم في حياتي
We should always have time to remember all HE has done for us.
يجب أن يكون لدينا الوقت دائماً لنتذكر كل ما عمله الله من اجلنا
Pass this on ONLY IF YOU MEAN IT!!
أنشرها فقط إن كنت مقتنع بها وتعنيها
Yes, I do Love.GOD.
نعم، انا أحب الله HE is my source of existence and Savior.
هو مصدر وجودي ومخلّصي
He keeps me functioning each and every day. Without Him, I will be nothing.
وهو الذي يبقينا أحياء كل يوم ومن دونه سنصبح لا شيءThis is the simplest test.
هذا أسهل اختبار ممكن If You Love GOD... And, are not ashamed of all the marvelous things HE has done for you...
اذا كنت تحب الله ولا تخجل من جميع الأشياء الرائعة التي قام بها من أجلك
Send it on...
أنشرهاNow do you have the time to pass it on?
والآن هل لديك الوقت لتبعث هذه الرسالة لآخرين ..؟؟
Make sure that you scroll through to the end.
تأكد إنك ستصل لنهاية الرسالة
Easy vs. Hard
السهــــل ×الصعـــــــــب
Why is it so hard to tell the truth but Yet so easy to tell a lie?
لماذا يكون من الصعب جدا أن تقول الحقيقه ومع ذلك من السهل جدا ان تكذب
Why are we so sleepy when we pray but Right when we are finished we suddenly wake up?
لماذا نشعر بالنعاس وقت الصلاة وبمجرد أن تنتهي الصلاة نصحو فجأة
Why is it so easy to delete a HOLY e-mail, but yet we forward all of the nasty ones?
لماذا يكون من السهل جدا أن نحذف ايميل ديني ومع ذلك ننشر كل ما هو سيّء
Of all the free gifts we may receive, Prayer is the very best one....
من ضمن كل الهدايا المجانيه التي نحصل عليها .. الصلاة هي أفضلهم There are no costs, but wonderful rewards...
ليس هناك اي تكاليف بل مكافأة رائعة
Notes: Isn't it funny how simple it is for people to NOT BELIEVE IN GOD and then wonder why the world's going to hell.
ملحوظة: أليس من المضحك ان الناس بكل سهولة لا يؤمنون بالله ويستغربون لماذا العالم ماضٍ الى الجحيم
دلالة على فساد العالم
Isn't it funny how someone can say 'I believe in GOD ' but still follow Satan (who, by the way, also 'believes' in GOD ).
أليس من المضحك أن يأتي شخص ويدعي بأنه مؤمن بالله ولكنه لم يزل يتبع أبليس 'وبالمناسبة فان ابليس ايضا يؤمن بالله '
Isn't it funny how you can send a thousand jokes through e-mail and they spread like wildfire, but when you start sending messages regarding GOD , people think twice about sharing?
شيء مضحك أنه من الممكن أن ترسل الآلاف من النكت عن طريق الإيميل وتنتشر مثل النار في الهشيم واذا ارسلت ايميل لذكر "الله" فالناس يفكرون مرتين قبل أن يعيدوا نشرها
Isn't it funny how when you go to forward this message, you will not send it to many on your address list because you're not sure what they believe, or what they will think of you for sending it to them.
كما أنه من المضحك أنه عندما تقوم بنشر هذا الإيميل لن تقوم بإرساله إلى كل من عندك لإنك غير متأكد بماذا يؤمنون وكيف يفكرون بك اذا ارسلتها لهم
Isn't it funny how I can be more worried about what other people think of me than what GOD thinks of me.
من المضحك أن نخاف من رأي الناس فينا اكثر من رأي الله فينا !!
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