الأحد، 29 يناير 2017
الاثنين، 15 ديسمبر 2014
@ Find the mistake and correct it in the following sentences :-
1- While he
does his homework, his friend arrived.
2- Before she
did research on new treatments, she works as a surgeon.
3- My brother
has a difficult decision to do next week.
4- He isn't
finishing the job yet.
5- When the
company needs people to speak for it at a meeting, it can send a relation.
6- Both my
parents are tired. They no longer work.
1- What did
you do since the weekend?
2-When would
you start to learn English? – Two years ago.
3-I want to
be a doctor since I was ten.
4-When I was
eight. I have seen a programme about a famous doctor on TV.
5-We were
having a meeting this morning when suddenly all the lights were going out.
6-At the
moment my sister trains to be a primary teacher.
7-Metals are
expanding when they are heated.
8-She does
research on plants a few years ago.
9-I knew him
for ten years.
10-I didn't
see the film yet.
11-What do
your do? – I'm reading a story.
12-The better
thing about this job is that it is well-paid.
13-She felt
ashamed because she did a silly mistake.
14-Dr. Magdy
Yacoub made many heart transplant operations.
15-She helped
me doing the job.
16-Egypt sent
a trade allegation to the conference.
usually wear a platform.
18-He had a
kidney transport last year.
19-The normal
requirement age in Egypt
is 60.
20-She is
interested on reading newspapers.
complimentary on the Olympic Games was much better on the other channel.
22- A
carpenter represents one country in another.
23-Could you
give me a quick exploration of how this machine works?
designer always comes up with new ideas. He is very imaginary.
25-They chose
a famous lawyer to present them in court.
26-They were arrested as breaking the
27-He had to
apologize owing to he made a shameful mistake.
28-As well as
she studied hard, she played tennis regularly.
29-If he
reads the questions carefully, he answers them.
30-There were
no accidents though the dangerous roads.
31I like most
school subjects because I don't like physics.
32-As soon as
seeing the accident, I called the police.
the box was heavy, he could carry it.
addition to he wrote the letter, he saw the film.
they played very well, they lost the match.
36-The people
in our street are very neighbouring. They always help each other.
37-My uncle
is a represent for an international oil company.
38-You should
not ridiculous people who have different ideas from you.
the weather was bad, we went out.
40-He didn't
go out as his illness.
41-As well as
he goes to the market, he visited some friends.
42-He was
driving with one hand and waving with the another.
43-She was
the last student arrives at school.
government gives private care to setting up new projects.
45-I look
forward to see that play.
allowed me using her computer.
47-I need to
draw some money out of my discount.
government is trying to contract more tourists to visit Egypt.
people in Egypt
still wear conditional clothes.
couldn't decide which one he liked good.
information in this report is based on a spray completed by 2000 students.
52-What were
you doing when I am calling you?
53-By the
time my father was 18, he has been at work for two years.
54-My sister
is really happy. She is just winning the first prize.
was the last place I was spending a holiday.
56-In the
past, people thought that the earth has been flat.
57-I will see
a good film recently.
58-He would
give me back my money a few hours ago.
59-At the
moment he has cleaned the room.
60-I am
understanding this math problem very well.
61-I didn't
eat hamburger since last October.
62-She has
been mopping يمسح the floor when she heard the bad
news on the radio.
slipped on a banana skin and breaks her leg.
64-I don't
speak to him since Christmas.
65-I don't
have any cash on me, so could I pay by click?
connection via broadcast offers many advantages
67-My sister
wants to open a bank deposit.
68-She is
gone to finish her work early today.
69-Can she intend
to study medicine in the USA?
70-We are
packing our luggage because we have gone to travel to Italy.
71-Should you
close that window, please?
bookcase isn't well fixed. It's will go falling.
players pass the ball to each other until one player can win a goal
scientists has to work in large, complex teams to send people into space.
and gorillas live in large family groups to bringing up their young.
76-In a
recent experience, scientists showed that birds can cooperate on complex jobs.
78-The birds
could see the food, but to get him into their cage, they had to pull pieces
of string attached to the box.
found that they could successfully learn many pairs of birds to get
their food in this way.
the Olympic gold medal was the realize of his life's dream.
81-They help
you talk through your problems but they don't give you any salutations.
82-The ending
of the film was printable. Everybody knew what was going to happen.
83-I would
like to compress my thanks for your kindness.
84-He was the
first man to example the land. No one has been there before him.
85-Italy is
an European country.
continent to the east of Europe is the Asia.
87-The Aswan High Dam is on river Nile in Egypt.
88-Good doctor needs a lot of
must go to bank and change some money.
90-I really
enjoyed book I've just finished reading.
91-I'm just
going to have wash.
92-All I had
for lunch was piece of cake.
93-It's a honour
to get this international award.
sixties, people were interested in music.
95- France
is part of an European Union.96-Gobi is a huge Desert in Asia.
97-The Mediterranean Sea is between the Europe and Africa.
teacher hit the children into three groups.
that makes you feel afraid is pleasing.
100-We should
build a filter to protect us from the wind and rain.
101-Seeing my
friend after such a long time really did my day.
102-She spoke
in a quite voice so as not to wake him.
as a confession is very profitable.
104-What do
you like better about your job?
105-I'm thinking in buying a new car.
106-One day,
out of the black, she announced that she was leaving.
107-He made his cool although she insulted him.
108-He was in
a tight corridor when his new car was stolen.
109-His happy
is listening to classical music.
have risen by an avenge of 4% over the past year.
111-The much
food you eat, the fatter you become.
112-The place
was more farther than I thought.
student in our class is as cleverer as John.
114-This is
the more higher building in our city.
115-Tokyo is
the more busier city in the world.
116-She is
more hard-working of all the students in this class.
117-The blue
vase is the same price than the yellow one.
weather is many colder than normal for this time of year.
the funny joke I have ever heard.
fruit is most fattening than eating chocolate.
is most exciting film I've ever seen.
most tall building in our city is the central bank.
123-English is more easier to learn than
124-Pirates are people who climb mountains.
highest point of a mountain is called a transmit.
126-The sea
line is the average height of the sea.
is located in the Atlantic Ocean.
128-She was
looking forward to seen the grandchildren again.
129-I was
rented by the first company I applied to.
130-She can't
affect to buy a new house.
monthly fare is $1,000.
132-I don't
eat meat, but I like almost types of fish
133-I think
I'm suffering from the affects of too little sleep.
134-She has
built up a shine of 80 bookshops across the country.
clothes, what are made of Egyptian cotton, are very good quality.
remember the day which my son was born.
134-This is
the neighborhood when I spent most of my childhood.
animals whose are in the zoo are all endangered species.
is knowledge and equipment used in scientific or industrial work.
can now accommodate goods all around the world.
in this shop usually get their salaries every Friday
139-Ali and
Peter look very similar accept that Ali is a little taller
not the way to doing it - let me show you.
suggested to visit the museum.
142-I phone
my uncle since 8 o'clock
this morning. I wonder what the matter is.
143-I didn't
see my cousin since the last school holiday.
the worst place I’ve never visit.
145-I haven’t
talked to him since he leaves school.
146-It’s the
first time he is flying in a helicopter.
147-How long
is it since you are meeting him?
148-This land
is infertile. It can produce a large number of good crops.
provide our bodies with heat and energy.
is an animal which helps us to grow and be healthy.
151-A leaf is
the part of a plant from which a new plant of the same kind can grow.
of people face salutation because they don't have enough to eat.
153-I hope
you good health.
154-I really
admit people who can work in such difficult conditions.
155-They are
selecting money for the new hospital.
156-John is
used to driving a ten-year-old small car, but now he drives a big new one.
157-When I
was young, I am used to have a phobia of spiders, but now I don't.
158-I don't
use to play computer games, but now I play them occasionally.
159-When I
was in Alexandria,
I am used to going swimming every day.
160-Where did
you used to go for holiday when you were a child?
161-He isn't
used to having any guests, but now he has parties every weekend.
don't use to go camping for a holiday, but now they stay in the best hotels.
used to work very long hours, but now they work so many hours.
cities are used to being smaller, but now they are much bigger.
are used to travelling by horse and cart, but now they travel by cars.
166- It is
too a polluted area that no one can live there.
167-The area
is so polluted for anyone to live there.
168-She is
such young to drive a car.
169-There was
so much noise in the street for me to concentrate.
170-There was
enough a lot of noise in the street that I couldn’t concentrate.
clothes were too expensive for her that she could buy.
project is such complicated that we can’t take it on.
173-She spoke
such softly that no one could hear her
174-There is
enough much work for one person to handle.
175-The food
was such delicious that we ate it all.
176-He’s not
used to drink so much coffee.
doesn't smoke no longer.
178-The job
was difficult enough for him to do.
179-The tests
are vertical to those carried out last year. They are exactly the same.
robots are taking over annual jobs in many industries.
181-He was
able to provide the police with some valueless information.
182- This
helped them to solve the crime.
183-What have
you been done since we last met?
184-I've been
drinking three cups of tea this morning.
185-He plays
squash all morning – that's why he looks so tired.
amateur is a person who does as a job what people usually do as a hobby.
187-A silver
medal is a medal for being first in an Olympic race.
he had an injury, he took place in the competition.
189-My father
has been travelling abroad six times in the last two months.
brother has just been passing his university exams, that's why he looks so
191-He lives
in London for
20 years now and he doesn't intend to move.
192-I'm sorry
my clothes are dirty. I clean my garage.
is suffering or death caused by lack of food.
194-I'd talk
that the government should make more efforts to solve this problem.
195-The doctor
who's clinic is next to the bank is very clever.
196-I hope I
am getting my university degree next month.
197-Asia is
the largest city in the world.
couldn't finish the book because it was too serial.
people inhabited this island 2000 years ago.
200-He went
board on business.
201-Turn left
and you'll see the hospital above of you.
203-All the
passengers and chew survived the crash.
visit you wherever I have time.
commented me a good book to read.
206-I wish
getting a new job soon.
207-She did
the job well and neither did Hala.
208-He can't
use the computer and so can't I.
mountain is incredibly height.
210-The man
who's house collapsed during the earthquake was so sad.
211-The boy
whose written the e-mail is my cousin.
company who's employees went on strike closed down.
213-This is
the man whose works for the computer company.
saw the thieves who's robbed the gas station.
didn't know the way to the station, was she?
216-Nobody is
here, isn't he?
217-A lot of
money has to be collected, have it?
218-I don't
think he'll pass the driving test, can't he?
not the right answer, does it?
engineering is the science of changing the structure of the genes
of a living
thing in order to make it healthier or stronger.
farming does not use chemical fertilizers.
222-Nobody leaves until the
meeting had ended.
223-We always
go aboard in summer.
224-Africa is
the second largest of the world's countries.
225-We all
went assure when our ship came to port.
226-She was
tired when she arrived home. She is working all day.
227-By the
time he reached the bus stop, the bus has already been leaving.
228-Before he
is sending the e-mail, he made two phone calls.
houses are very cold because they have no roof installation.
230-The whole
area was fattened by the storm.
231-It took
us several minutes to overlook the front door and get in.
plays a vital role in building design.
233-The lifeguard rescued the
sinking boy.
234-He lives in a close village.
It's far from the nearest town.
235-He started writing in his
mid twenties. By then, he travels all over the world.
236-Before he went back to America,
he has been living with a group of primitive people.
237-As soon as he received the
phone call, he has gone to the airport.
238-He looked very tired. He
works so hard all weekend.
239-She seemed to be very happy.
Perhaps she is receiving some good news.
240-I am seeing a good film last
241-He sounded very angry when I
spoke to him this morning. Perhaps he loses his job.
242-She wasn't helping her
mother until she had done the homework.
243-She was excited about going
to London. She
has never been there before.
commits electricity better than other materials do.
block of flats is twenty stairs high.
Pyramids took a long time to conduct.
sometimes think in a similar way to their descendants.
248-He used
the close control to turn off the TV.
with thick walls keep on the heat.
designed our house by itself.
251-This car
belongs to our neighbours. It's them.
live in houses to protect ourselves from the weather.
machine is automatic. It works by himself.
254-This is
not your camera. It's him.
are not allowing to park here.
256-All the
questions must answer in order.
products export to many countries.
258-She got
hurting while cleaning the kitchen.
painting is going to exhibit at the art gallery.
260-The man
is questioning at the police station at the moment.
problem should solve soon.
land is used for growing crops and keeping animals.
263-Egypt has
very beautiful landslides.
264-A lot of
tourists visit this place to enjoy the duty of nature.
265-It is
knowing that people have lived in the desert
arrested at the airport last week.
268-He is
operating on at the moment.
269-We should protect our
historic and famous moments.
270-A wreckage tour is a
holiday arranged by a company for a fixed price.
271-A distillation is the
place you are going to.
house is so big.
273-The dog
moved it's tail when it saw me.
274-The job
herself is good but the boss is unkind.
275-Can you
introduce your, please?
help myself to more tea.
277-The flat
overlooking the park belongs to ours.
children cooked their meal by them.
279-He owns a
beautiful flat in London
on the third ground.
280-They live
in an attached house. They don't have any close neighbours.
281-The block
of flats where he lives has eight stories.
282-Its the
best book I've ever read.
283-Has been
given the first prize, he invited all his friends to lunch.
284-He sit up a company that sells
285-We had an armed system installed in
our house.
286-Youssef Chahine is a famous film
287-Having interviewed for two hours,
she was accepted for the job.
288-He disguised himself so as not to
recognize by the police.
289-New cities could build in the
command for oil this month has exceeded supply.
government is going to put a pan on the import of cars.
plane deduced speed as it approached the airport.
milk has run away.
need to buy some.
are the main source of electronic oxygen.
295-In the
past, people can't find clean water, so there were a lot of diseases.
296-She's been trying to pass
her driving test for six years and she's finally managed in passing it.
297-I don't
see my neighbour any more. He must moved to a new house.
298-He can
read or write. He is illiterate.
me, should you tell me the way to the station, please?
300-We could
get into our car because our keys were locked inside.
301-We will
keep out of oil in 20 years.
any information you need shall be found on the internet.
303-He uses a
stethoscope and wears a white coat. He can't be a doctor.
304-She can
the ability to do her job very efficiently.
305-He had no
keys. He must get into the house through the window.
306-When I
was young, I can ride a bicycle.
307-You may
not park your car here. It's against the law.
demand on oil is increasing all the time.
causes the death of thousands of people every year.
volcano adapted and caused a lot of damage.
animation is something that you have been wanting to achieve for a long time.
was concluded in the team because he was a good player.
spilled the juice while she was touring it.
accountant is a person who collects fares on a bus or a train.
had a long cheat with her about her job.
316-If I felt
tired, I usually go to bed early.
317-If I
found any money at school, I'll take it to one of the teachers.
318If you
haven't taken those photos, I wouldn't have remembered our holiday.
319-I'll tell
you if I saw anything unusual.
320-If there
hadn't been a doctor on the train, the man would die.
321-If his
wife hadn't been rich, he doesn't marry her.
she makes that phone call, she wouldn't have known about his illness.
323-Unless he
arrives early, he will have missed the lecture.
324-If he
were a lawyer, he helps me.
325-Had he
seen the signal, he wouldn't make that accident.
326-If I found any money
at school, I'll take it to one of the teachers.
327-I'll tell you if I
saw anything unusual.
328-If you haven't taken
those photos, I wouldn't have remembered our holiday.
329-When he heard the
news, he was talkative. He said nothing.
330-I didn't understand
the lecture. It was completely meaningful to me.
331-The President made an
unexpected advertisement this morning.
playwright is a person who writes poems
government does its best to reclaim the education system.
police set a trip for the thieves.
latest novel was a best sale.
were over 100 survival of the crash, but 50 people died.
337-Zoos have
lenses to keep animals in and to keep people out.
338-He needs
a great deal of money to reduce the film.
psychologist studies prehistoric forms of life.
should be curious while driving your car or you'll have an accident.
Zewail got several international rewards for his achievements.
342-We should
stop referring with nature.
343-The boat
sailed towards the main ground of France.
345-Many wild
animals are threatened with extension.
346-In what
ways can human affected by science?
awarded a prize for one of his novels.
348-He writes
about humans be infected by germs.
island inhabits only by birds.
scientific report can understand by ordinary people.
350-What must
done to solve this problem?
351-We should
all take part in the bottle against disease and poverty.
352-We must
find an answer for the problem of climate change.
353-The main
cause for global warming is the pollution from factories.
354-I'd like
to find out more with studying in a different country.
355-Egypt is
most famous at its beautiful Pyramids.
brother isn't very good for playing basketball.
may result from cancer.
recovered about her illness.
359-We should protect the environment
with pollution.
360-He complained with hotel manager
about the food he had for breakfast.
361-She was ashamed about herself when
she made a mistake.
362-He agreed
on helping me with my homework.
suggested to look for the information on the internet.
reminded me with buying a newspaper for him.
365-She told
me she is going to buy a new house.
366-My elder
brother decided for traveling abroad.
remote islands are only inhibited by birds and animals.
has a pollution of over 10 million people.
father raises at 5 every morning to do exercise.
of historical interest are usually kept in companies.
hotel is in a lovely vacation overlooking the lake.
roads were building across the desert, hardly any visitors came to Dakhla.
373-You may
persuade to think again if you visit this oasis.
374-The job
is doing at the moment.
injured man couldn't walk and his friends had to be carried him.
376-A new
hospital has built near the airport.
driving are caused a lot of accidents.
decision won't be making before the end of the month.
379-It is
saying that many people are homeless after the floods.
380-The current of Egypt
is the pound.
381-Most hotels in Egypt
have a good repetition.
382-You have
to take any more pills. You are quite well now.
383-You must
drink this liquid. It's poisonous.
384-You need
to bring any food with you tomorrow. I'll have enough for us all.
385-You have
to clean the kitchen today. I'll do it in a few hours.
386-We didn't
have waited long. A bus came at once.
387-I needn't
pay the bill last year. My brother was here then and he paid it.
388-I got to
finish this work at 7 p.m.
needn't to go in a few minutes. I don't want to miss my plane.
you have to clean the house yourself? – No, someone did it for me.
391-Does she
got to send the e-mail today?
392-You can
stay at home if you want. You mustn't come with us.
393-You have
to buy that book. I can lend you mine.
394-You don't
need to take that medicine. You will get worse if you don't.
395-All the
prices here are flexible. They cannot be changed.
arrived at our desperation tired and hungry.
397-We should
encourage terrorism as it brings a lot of hard currency into our country.
398-We have a
smoke arm in our kitchen to warn us in case of fire.
have the jewels kept?
400-When were
they held the conference?
401-He hopes
to promote to general manager.
402-How many
people does your company unemployed?
cousin, where is a research chemist, works in the food industry.
brother went to Oxford
University which he
studied economics.
which grew up in London, has lived in Egypt for 1 5 years.
university which my uncle works is in Cairo.
university where I want to go to is near my uncle.
408-My uncle
Ahmed, where is a businessman, lives in Cairo.
whose is Egypt's fifth largest city, has many mosques.
when has many customers in India, often goes there for holidays.
clothes company, where he started in 1950, exports all over the world.
412-The reason I like this job is that
I meet all kind of people
413-The better thing about working here
is the friendly people.
I enjoy
working here because every day is difference.414-
415-The main cause is I'm proud to be helping to make Egypt
a better place
416-Since I started the job, I met
important people from all over the world.
417-Yesterday I was interviewed
business leaders in Cairo
418-Now I work for a well-known Egyptian company that writes
computer programs.
.419-At the moment, I'm making research on a computer program for
this company
420-I was wanting to be a doctor since I was ten.
421-When I was eight, I was seeing a
programme about a famous Egyptian doctor on T.V.
422-We make a card for my brother. Do
you want to help?
423-We were having a meeting at work when suddenly all the
office lights went
424-My sister was always enjoying working with children.
425-At the moment, she trains to be a primary school teacher.
426-Professor Magdi Yacoub is a world-fame heart surgeon.
427-He was born in Egypt in 1935, the son of a surgery who
worked in different places
around the country.
428-The family had to move every little years,
429-Yacoub learnt to adopt to different situations and enjoyed
meeting different people
430-When his aunt died due to a heart problem, Yacoub decided to
become a lung surgeon.
431-He studied medicine at Cairo University
and qualified for a doctor in 1957.
432-In the 1960s,
he teach at Chicago
University in the United States
and worked with many of the
world's best heart
433-Now Yacoub had the qualified and experience to do great
434- In 1973, he became a heart
sergeant at Harefield Hospital in England.
435-Under his friendship,
HarefIeld became the most important transplant
centre in
the country.
436-In the early
1980s, he was part of the
band which did the first British heart
transplant operation.
437-At this time, Yacoub travelled thousands of kilometres in small
and helicopters to find healthy
hearts for transport..
438-Yacoub became Professor at Heart Surgery at London University
in 1986
439-Although he tired as a surgeon in 2001, Yacoub continued to
research new
treatments recently he was part of team which did new 29.
440-If you ask why he continues to work
in his70s 30.he will say that he believes he can do a difference
to people's lives.
441-For this reason he works for a
company in Africa
which helps children with
heart problems
442-What is the
normal retired age for people in Egypt?
443-Can society benefit of people who work in their 70s or 80s?
444-What are people's main causes for continuing to work when
they are older?
445-Do older people have any special quantities that younger
people don't have?
446-What charitable organised are important in Egypt?
447-How importance a part do charities play around the world
448-If you have a qualification in
maths or some accounting experiment, apply in
writing to: P.O. Box 43, Cairo.
449-Surgeons make operations on people
in hospitals. 39
450-My brother has a very difficult
decision to do next week
451-My sister, who works for a charitable organization believes
her work makes a difference to people's lives
452-Everyone does mistakes when they're learning something new.
453-It's been more than 20 years since
surgeons made the first heart transplant operation in Britain
454-There's a factory in our town which makes parts for cars and
456-Without he doesn't have a study plan, it is
easy to waste time.
457-Ayman lent a football from Osama
458-Having writing the letter, he put a stamp on
it and took it to the post office.
459-The television didn't work although my
sister had broken it.
460-They are brothers. Despite one was wearing a
new suit. The other was wearing
461-After finished the secondary school. He
entered the university.
462-She was painting the picture while the
telephone rang.
463-What were you doing when saw you in the bank
464-He advised her to she passed the test.
465-He let us to take part in the play.
466-My brother has been in London for 1998.
467-I know him for 5
468-I am teaching in this
school since 1995.
469-It's a week since I
have heard from you.
470-I last played football
since I was on holiday.
471-The last time I have
visited the pyramids was in 1995.
472-I haven't met him a
month ago.
473-I didn't study English
for 2 days.
474-It's ages since I have
last gone to a football match.
475-The last time Bill came
here was since 1997.
476-Hani bought those
glasses last year, and is wearing them ever since.
477-He just arrived at the
478-I'm not decorating my
room yet.
479-I only buy my new camera last week, but I already take
300 photos with it.
480-My father
work in a bank in the city centre. He work there for fifteen years.
company have an important meeting last month. A delegation come from
their office in Japan.
482-I be so
tired last night that I fall asleep while I watch a film on TV.
483-At the moment,
we do a history project at school. It be very interesting.
484-She's so badly behaved in spite of her
mother lets her get away with everything.
485-Afaf used to plying tricks on his young
486-A lawyer who advises people about the
487-They've got three private cars although they
are rich.
488-However weakness he is , he won the race.
489-It is necessary for us to go back on foot
last night.
490-After he has had his tea; he went out for a
491-First he did his homework after he watched
492-However her politeness, she is still
493-It is forbid to wait here.
494-My uncle is a represent
of an international oil company.
495-Despite the weather was
bad, I went out.
496-he didn't go out
because his illness.
497The people in the street
are very neighbouring. They always help each other.
498-If he read the question
carefully, he will answer it correctly.
499-Never He neglect his work
500-She cutting the grass.
501- We didn't know the reason he was absent,
502-He is poor, so can't buy a car
503-He studies hard so as not to succeed
504-She wants to be a doctor but she will enter
the faculty of Medicine.
505-He is too fat, so he has to eat much.
506-The Olympic Games held in the USA in
507-I think the story he told you being true.
digging a well to get water.
509-This car
is as older as my car.
510-Ahmad is
the better student in the class.
511-Arabic is
the easiest subject.
deep is the deeper part of all the oceans.
is highest than Kilimanjaro.
is not as high than that.
516-Part two
is most difficult than part one.
517-For me,
his climb was the more important sporting event of 2007.
518-The older
tree in the world is nearly 10,000 years old.
519-My friend
had a problem, he was in a light corner.
520-That is
least interesting film I have ever seen.
is more easier than Chinese.
522-This is
most exciting match I have ever seen.
523-It is the
most tall building in our city.
higher point of the mountain is called summit.
525-Ahmad is
the better student in the class.
526-My friend
had a problem, he was in a light corner.
527-This car
is as older as my car.
528-He is
amateur, he plays for money
529-The most
tall building in our city is the Central Bank.
530-A baby Is
a child who has just started walking.
531-If we were late for school we would punish
by the ked master
532-If Adel goes to the cinema he would see the
533-I can not sleep when drink coffee at
534-We must not go near the dog as it bite
535-Shady has not too more to buy a shirt
537-The person by the red hair is my
538-She has finished her work a moment ago.
539-I wrote a letter then going to bed.
540-I saw a big house that it was on fire.
541-He will be late in case of he gets up
542-I saw a big house that it was on fire.
543-The person by the red hair is my friend.
544-John, which grew up in London, has lived in Egypt
for 1 5 years.
545-The University which my uncle works is in Cairo.
546-The University where I want to go to is near
my uncle.
547-My uncle Ahmed, where is a businessman,
lives in Cairo.
548-Tanta, whose is Egypt's fifth largest city,
has many mosques.
549-Ahmed, when has many customers in India,
often goes there for holidays.
550-Ahmed's clothes company, where he started in
1950, exports all over the world.
551-The clothes, what are made of Egyptian
cotton, are very good quality
552-My cousin, where is a research chemist,
works in the food industry.
553-My brother went to Oxford University
which he studied economics.
554-My cousin
that is a research assistant, works in the food industry.
brother went to Oxford
university which he studied economics.
where grew up in London, has lived in Egypt for 15 years.
university which my uncle works is in Cairo.
university where I want to go to is near my uncle.
559- This is
the girl who uncle is a professor.
560-I don't
use to play computer games, but now I play them occasionally.
561-When I
was in Alexandria;
I am used to going swimming every day.
562-Where did
you used to go for holiday when you were a child?
563-He isn't
used to having any guests, but now he has parties every weekend.
don't use to go camping for a holiday, but now they stay in the best hotels.
used to work very long hours, but now they work so many hours.
cities are used to being smaller, but now they are much bigger.
are used to travelling by horse and cart, but now they travel by cars.
568-It is too a polluted
area that no one can live there.
569-The area is so polluted for anyone to live
570-She is such young to drive a car.
541-There was so much noise in the street for me
to concentrate.
572-He’s not used to drink so much
573-He doesn't smoke no longer.
574-The job was difficult enough for
him to do.
575-The tests are vertical to those
carried out last year. They are exactly the same.
576-Computer-controlled robots are
taking over annual jobs in many industries.
578-He was able to provide the police
with valueless information. This helped them
to solve the crime.
579-I watching TV in the evening.
580-We use the calculator for do the sums
581-We have been learn English for five years
582-He drinks a cup of tea a moment ago.
583-You should not make troubles in the class.
584-I had to buy some sugar as there was not
some left.
585-Ibraheem missed the bus so he got up late
586-I admire my grandmother most than any other
587-I saw the film. Then you come.
588-It is raining yesterday.
589-He haven't emailed us since last month .
590-It's along time since he has been written to me .
591-We haven't meet for five years.
592-She has last visited me when she was 10 years old.
593-He last visit us when my father came back home.
594-It's a year since he has phoned us.
595-He has studied English since five years.
596-I haven't play tennis for a week.
597-He has gone to London
in 1995.
598-I last visited my grandmother for three weeks.
599-I has studies English for five years.
600-They just have finished.
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